Zoom on Mobile Devices

Classes take place on Zoom, a video conferencing app that has also proven to an effective platform for us to connect, hear inspiring music, and move alone, together.


You'll need a computer or mobile device to join. (A computer is preferred because you can see more of your fellow participants on the larger screen. Also the Zoom features are easier to navigate and more intuitive than on a mobile device.) In order to join the video portion of the meeting to both see others and been seen, you'll need to download the free Zoom Client for Meetings app.


On a mobile device, you can dial into the meeting using your phone (audio only) if the meeting organizer has enabled that option. See this Zoom help page for more information and how to find local dial-in numbers. Please check with your meeting organizer for the numeric version of the alphabetic password, if required.


NTOE: These screen shots below assume your mobile device is connected to the internet. There are some differences with how the Zoom app behaves when connecting through cellular data. Also, the below images are from an iPhone X; screens on your device may differ slightly.

Joining Zoom Meeting on Mobile Device

Generally you will automatically join the session / Zoom meeting by clicking on the link provided on your mobile device. However, as Zoom has made modifications to increase security, sometimes this does not work and you may need to join the meeting manually. 


In this case, you'll need the Meeting ID (10-11 digit number) plus the Password to enter into the screens shown below.


Start the Zoom app on your mobile device and click on "Join" on the "Meet & Chat" tab (as shown left).


On the "Join a Meeting" window, enter the Meeting ID. Before you click "Join" be sure the "Don't Connect to Audio" and "Turn Off My Video" are UNSELECTED as shown below.


Depending on how the organizer set-up the meeting, once you click "Join" you may be asked to enter the meeting Password. Once you do this, you can click "Continue" and your experience should match that of someone who was able to join Zoom automatically.


When you first join the Zoom meeting, you likely want to select "Join with Video." You can "mute" (or turn off) your video within the Zoom app once you're connected. This option does not affect whether or not you can see others; it only affects your being seen.


(Depending on how the preview toggle is set, you may not see the screen / option below; default is that the option to preview video is on. This option is also not shown when joining a Zoom Webinar as all participants' videos are turned off in this case.)


When you see the below screen, be sure to select "Call using Internet Audio." Within the Zoom app you can mute / unmute your audio and if you haven't selected "Call using Internet Audio" from the beginning, you will likely need to "Leave" the meeting and start again.

Familiarizing Yourself with Zoom

For your best experience, ensure that you know how to use Zoom and are familiar with your audio and video settings.


On the Zoom home page, you can click on "New Meeting" to start Zoom and familiarize yourself with the app.


Specifically you'll want to know how to:

  • Connect both audio & camera,
  • Mute / Unmute your audio and your camera,
  • Scroll between gallery & speaker view,
  • Use the chat feature,
  • Exit the meeting room.

Screen shots highlighting to where to find these functions are shown below.


NOTE: These screen shots are off an iPhone X; your set-up may look slightly different.


The screen shot to the left states this and as it is SUPER important it bears repeating... During a meeting / session, if you are having technical difficulties we will try to contact you and work with you to resolve those issues via the chat feature. (If that doesn't work we will try a Breakout Room and we will start with Chat.)


To get here, tap on your screen while in the Zoom app so the buttons appear at the top & bottom (screen shot directly above; click on the three dots above "More" (lower right hand corner of your screen"; and then click on "Chat". (The number in parentheses tells you how many chat messages you haven't seen yet and isn't important.)

Relax and Enjoy

Again, a computer is preferred for joining Zoom because the larger screen size allows you to see more participants simultaneously and facilities the operations of Zoom. 


Having confidence with these simple features, whether on a computer or mobile device, allows us to relax into our space and flow between states of connection with ease. Note that for our sessions, the "Zoom Room" will be open ~15 minutes before our start time to allow you to arrive, check out your connection & technology, and land in our space.


If you can, connect your computer or mobile device to headphones or external speaker for better sound quality. Click here for hints on how to do this.


Come as you are. Relax. Enjoy.